Dr. Stephanie JW Ford bio

Dr. Stephanie JW Ford is a Licensed Psychologist, who has provided clinical psychological services in hospital, community health, private practice, and university health centers. She has served as a professor of psychology and counselor education in graduate programs at land-based and online universities. Dr. Ford is a servant of Christ, who utilizes her knowledge of clinical and counseling psychology; counselor education; clinical skills; research; and scholarship to enhance the wellbeing of individuals, organizations, and communities. She has presented locally, nationally, and internationally on mental health, supervision, diversity, equity, inclusion, and implementing a Biblical worldview when providing psychological services. Her instruction of graduate students, research, clinical work, presentations, and publications reveal her commitment to promoting optimal mental health care services for all.

Dr. Stephanie JW Ford is a Professor at Liberty University, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Counselor Education and Family Studies as well as the co-founder of Psychology of the Western Reserve (POWR), LLC.