the mantle of parenthood

by ciaria james

Every good gift we receive from God was created to keep us before the face of Christ. This call to parenthood is an equal partnership with the Father in raising a generation and a reflection of God's Fatherhood. One thing is for sure: when God graces you to walk in any mantle that reflects Him and His nature, you cannot fulfill that role without submitting to the authority of Christ.

In John 15:5, Jesus says, "I am the sprouting vine, and you're My branches. As you live in union with Me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from Me, you are powerless."

This season of life has felt heavy for my family and me. I have been in the tension of being burnt out. I confessed to a friend that my children calling my name felt triggering. I felt as if I was walking through postpartum four years later. While this season has been one for the books, it's also been a gateway into a deeper intimacy with Christ. We would often love to fix everything concerning our situations instantaneously, but I believe God allows the hardships so that we find Him in ways we wouldn't have before. Just like when the disciples were out on the lake in the eye of the storm, they found their Savior sleeping; from Jesus' posture in that circumstance, I find comfort in knowing everything we face is okay (Luke 8:22-25).

In John 15:10, Jesus tells His disciples, "I continually live nourished and empowered by His love."

The same goes for us. We can only truly fulfill our calling as parents by fully submerging ourselves in communion with the Father.

The longer I walk with Christ and grow as a mother, the more I realize that intimacy with the ultimate parent is the gateway to satisfaction and wholeness in our parenting.

When the mantle is all-encompassing, leaving us feeling as if we can't go another day, the nourishment of Christ and the intimacy of the Holy Spirit give us the strength to endure.

As the Earth is shaking and shifting, God is doing a new thing among us, and He wishes to rebuild upon our families.

Just like in Nehemiah's days and the wall's rebuilding, the reminder is to "...Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives, and your homes." (Nehemiah 4:14)

Raising our families isn't solely up to us. It isn't simply within our strength that we walk this out; our most significant responsibility is to stay intimate and surrender to the Lord.

Click HERE to learn how the Family Strong Conference can help you navigate your parenting journey.