Men at War
Class Status: Open
Resource: Disciplines of a godly man
Day: Sunday @ 10:45am
Location: NCBF
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As a man, discipline and growth in godliness are essential for your spiritual journey. In this group, you'll join other like-minded men who are committed to developing the disciplines of prayer, integrity, marriage, leadership, worship, purity, and more.
Through the wisdom of the Bible, this group will empower you to take the call to godliness seriously and focus your energy on what matters most. Learn, grow, and be inspired alongside fellow men who share your desire for spiritual maturity and a godly life.
Legacy Men
Class Status: Open
Resource: Titus Ten Manhood Bible Study
Day: Tuesday @ 6:00pm
Location: Euclid (Bi-Weekly)
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What does it mean to be a godly man? In this group, we will explore the ten key qualities outlined in the Apostle Paul’s letter to Titus, deepening your understanding of the Gospel, your identity, and your character.
Journey alongside other men as you learn to embody the qualities that God desires in a man, empowering you to make a meaningful impact in your family, your church, and the world. Join us and discover how to become the man God wants to use for His purposes.
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Class Status: Open
Resource: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney
Day: Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Location: NCBF
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We aren’t meant to wait for holiness - we’re meant to pursue it. God commands us to actively “be holy,” but what does that look like in our daily lives? This group is designed to help you find a practical middle ground between overwhelming legalism and loose boundaries, guiding you through biblical habits that foster true holiness.
Gain key insights on spiritual disciplines that will challenge you to grow in new and profound ways as a Christian. No matter where you are in your faith journey, this group offers refreshing and deep encouragement for your spirit, empowering you to live out God's call to holiness in every aspect of your life.
Authentic Manhood: Marriage & Family
Class Status: Open
Resource: Authentic Manhood by LifeWay
Day: Tuesday @ 7pm
Location: NCBF
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Marriage is not easy, and navigating it without the support of other brothers in Christ can be challenging. In this group, we will explore the often misunderstood aspects of marriage, including biblical foundation, servant leadership, friendship, threats, and sex.
Our goal is to provide you with practical ideas and insights, empowering you to invite God to bring new life into your marriage. Join us and gain the support, wisdom, and encouragement you need to strengthen your relationship and grow as a godly husband.
Kingdom Man
Class Status: Open
Resource: Galatians by John McArthur
Day: Wednesday @ 10am
Location: Virtual
Zoom Link
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What does it mean to be a Kingdom man? This group brings together two essential facets of the Christian faith - knowing about God and knowing God personally through a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
We will explore both who God is and how we can relate to Him intimately. By the end of our time together, you will gain a deeper understanding of God's nature and cultivate a closer, more meaningful relationship with Him. Join us on this journey to truly become a Kingdom man.
M.A.D Men
Class Status: Open
Resource: Joshua (Life Change) by Nav Press
Day: Wednesday @ 7pm
Location: NCBF
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Join us for a journey through the Book of Joshua, designed to help you grow in Christlikeness through a life-changing encounter with God’s Word. This group will dive deep into the powerful lessons and timeless truths found in Joshua, equipping you to apply them to your daily life.
You will gain practical insights and tips for living a life of faith and obedience, ultimately helping you become the man God created you to be.
M.A.D Men 2.0
Class Status: Open
Resource: Joshua (Life Change) by Nav Press
Day: Wednesday @ 7pm
Location: NCBF
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Join us for a journey through the Book of Joshua, designed to help you grow in Christlikeness through a life-changing encounter with God’s Word. This group will dive deep into the powerful lessons and timeless truths found in Joshua, equipping you to apply them to your daily life.
You will gain practical insights and tips for living a life of faith and obedience, ultimately helping you become the man God created you to be.
G.T.R. Men: Men Growing in Grace, Truth and Redemption
Class Status: Open
Resource: Ephesians (Life Change) by Nav Press
Day: Wednesday @ 7pm
Location: NCBF
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Men, knowing your identity in Christ is the first essential building block to be the man God has called you to be. We need to know who we are in order to be the leaders God has called us to be. Whether that is leading your family, people on the job but most importantly understanding how to lead yourself. We live in a society where it is obvious that the one thing that people lack is security and peace about themselves. When people lack peace and security within themselves it makes it hard or almost impossible to live at peace with others. In this group you will learn about all of the Spiritual blessings that we as men have in Christ Jesus. Knowing this truth will make you strong in order to be able to face any challenge that is set before you. Join a group of men who will not only talk about the Word of God and the blessings we have in Christ Jesus but also how to apply these truths to our very lives.
For Husbands Only
Class Status: Open
Day: Thursdays, Bi-Weekly @ 6pm
Location: NCBF
Kingdom Men Rising
Class Status: Open
Resource: Knowing God 50th Anniversary Edition with Study Guide by J I Packer
Day: Thursday @ 7pm
Location: NCBF
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This group is designed to deepen your relationship with God and help you experience the glory and joy of walking closely with the Lord. Together, we will explore key biblical passages that reveal the essence of a godly life.
Join us as we grow in faith, uncover timeless truths, and learn to live out our divine purpose with passion and integrity.
T.R.U.E Men
Class Status: Open
Resource: Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
Day: Thursday @ 6pm
Location: Shaker Hts.
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"Why is God allowing this? What have I done wrong?" These are questions many of us ask when life gets hard and circumstances defy explanation. In this group, we will dive deep into the Bible to seek theological answers about God’s sovereignty.
Together, we will explore questions like: Is God in control? Can I trust God?
Our goal is to inspire and equip you to trust Him more completely, even in the midst of life’s challenges.
S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Living Transformed)
Class Status: Open
Day: 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 7pm
Location: NCBF
Resource: Corinthians (Life Change) by The Navigators
Welcome to Single Adults Living Transformed, a group specifically designed for Christian single men and women to do life together. This group will meet every other 2nd and 4th Friday for a combination of bible study as well as coming together to engage in fellowship activities around Cleveland. Be a part of something new at New Community and make new friends and relationships that will last a lifetime.
Kingdom Man
Class Status: Open
Resource: Galatians by John McArthur
Day: Wednesday @ 10am
Location: Virtual
Zoom Link
What does it mean to be a Kingdom man? This group brings together two essential facets of the Christian faith - knowing about God and knowing God personally through a close relationship with Jesus Christ.
We will explore both who God is and how we can relate to Him intimately. By the end of our time together, you will gain a deeper understanding of God's nature and cultivate a closer, more meaningful relationship with Him. Join us on this journey to truly become a Kingdom man.